Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lego Mystery Machine (link roundup)

Lego Mystery Machine by Nathan Proudlove. He also created Scooby Doo and the rest of the gang out of Lego.

And a few more links:

1. Long list of plush tutorials and patterns.

2. As part of the 2009 Scottish Design Awards Nominations Exhibition, five architectural firms were invited to design Lego structures. You can see the fairly lackluster creations here.

3. Photos of the aftermath, and by aftermath, I mean someone's leg facing backwards, of a "dunking off trampolines" exhibition gone wrong at a New Orleans Hornets game.

4. Interesting interview with a CIA psychiatrist. Here's one problem common to agents (and I behave this way myself when I have to go on trips):
They start leaving and they think, 'Did I actually close all the safes?' Then they go back and check the safes and spin the dials and leave. And then they say, 'Well, wait a minute -- the safe was closed in the first place, so maybe when I spun the dials I actually opened it.'
Read more here, including a description of the distinction between Cold War-era and Gen-X spies. Via.

*Previously: Scooby Doo commercial for Adidas.

*Buy Scooby Doo toys at eBay.

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