Thursday, March 19, 2009

The winner of the sketch card is...

So, Spencer Brinkerhoff III actually chose to draw two sketch cards, one of my suggestion, Lord Argoth from Thundarr the Barbarian, and Copper Kid from the Silverhawks:

Of course, "boydstep," who suggested Copper Kid, didn't follow the key rule to the contest - - "please, and make sure your comment either includes your email, or a link that will easily lead to your email so we can contact you." So, boydstep, please email me your address ASAP.

I'm impressed by the bizarre suggestions you all came up with. SpaceMonkey X, you should check out these Marvel Legends-style custom Dungeons and Dragons heroes and villains action figures:

ThomasJ had the silliest idea of Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget, since I'm pretty sure this is the best view we ever had of him:

And Colin suggested Turbo Teen, who I think deserves a shout out:

My thanks to Spencer. You can see lots more of his art here, he has various t-shirts on sale here, and he's also taking commissions for shadow boxes.

*Buy sketch cards at eBay.

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