Friday, November 14, 2008

Spaaaace Spiders

Today, NASA sent a shuttle to the international space station, carrying spiders and larvae. The insects will be studied to see how they spin webs and turn into butterflies in zero gravity. (You'll notice I did not link to NASA's site. Story must be too interesting for them to post in any obvious place.) Via.

Here's a few more links of the day

Well-written profile of David Foster Wallace from 1987.

Simon Pegg writes Star Wars fan fiction (about the, umm, questionable decision to "hide" Luke from Vader by putting him in the care of Vader's stepbrother and naming him Luke Skywalker). Via.

Adorable drawing of The Comedian (Watchmen).

Microsoft is offering a 25 percent eBay rebate if you'd please, please use their search engine. Via.

Thieves stole a boxing ring. (Story sounded more fun than it was - - the ring was in a trailer, and thieves just drove it away).

*Previously: NASA consultants draft primer on how people can defend themselves in case of alien invasion.

*Buy vintage spaceship toys at eBay.

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