Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Who actually wants Blu-ray? Pirates!

Things that make me proud of humanity include that Los Angeles has refused to throw a bunch of money at the NFL for a stadium, and that people are not buying Blu-ray dvds. Actually, someone's buying them - - Asian pirates. They rip the dvd, burn it a slightly lower resolution onto regular dvds, and sell those counterfeit dvds as Blu-ray. The quality's good enough that people don't notice. Favorite lines from a Wall Street Journal article about the trouble include the suggestion that you might be able to tell it's not Blu-ray because "Blu-ray discs attract fingerprints more easily than the pirated discs." Also,
"When we created the specifications for Blu-ray, we were very serious about trying to stem the tide of pirate discs regardless of where they were in the world," said Andy Parsons, a senior vice president at Pioneer Electronics Inc.'s Home Entertainment Group and the U.S. chairman of the Blu-ray Disc Association Promotions Committee.
Is it too late to change my blog's name to "A Very Serious Blog"? Via. (Photo link.)

While looking for an image to illustrate this post, I found this:

"The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists" is apparently a pretty entertaining book that might be turned into a movie (the scientist mentioned in the title is Darwin). You can find it used for less than $2 at Amazon.

*Previously: Pirate gear.

*Buy pirate toys at eBay.

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