Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Astro has seen better days

Astro of the Jetsons has seen better days. Why is he so down and out? Let's just say not everyone's happy for Astro Boy's recent success.

And here's a few more links:

1. If you have a good story (and photo) about a toy you received for the holidays, then enter this contest and win some toys.

2. Here's the story of why the Newsarama bloggers are leaving for destinations not yet determined. Be sure to read the comments, too. It's interesting to hear that there was drama involving the forums. I'm not a forum (or social media guy), so I never even noticed.

3. Dodgers owner suggests Dodgers won't sign high priced free agents because regular fans might be offended by them spending so much money on players. $125 tickets for spring training games apparently is not offensive. Via.

4. I'm sure the article's much less interesting than it sounds, but what if Earth's minerals have been evolving?

And finally:

Lobster Claw Harmonica on sale for $2. Via.

*At my custom toy site: Astro Boy (and Astro Man) Munnys.

*Buy Jetsons toys at eBay.

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