Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The TSA has a new mascot

Well, the economy is tanking, but the US government decided a good use of my tax dollars was creating an ad campaign to explain why we all have to tolerate inane security precautions. You can watch the three videos ("why liquids," "why shoes," and "why id") here. Alas, the TSA mascot is not animated like the crime dog - - it's a TSA employee named Stephanie Naar. Also, somehow the geniuses running the campaign decided to place web and radio ads, but did not make the videos embeddable.

Instead, check out video of a meteor streaking through the Canadian sky:

Here's a few more random links:

1. Place a comment here to try win some plush Pup Dogs.

2. Go here to see a riot officer mounted on a zebra.

3. You missed your chance to compete in the Chinese Peasant Olympics. Start training now, if you hope to enter the "the water-carrying contest to protect the seedlings amid drought." Via.

4. Here's a photo of Donovan McNabb looking awfully pathetic.

5. If you want to know what the weather is like in Los Angeles, watch David Lynch's daily weather report. Today featured "muted sunshine." Via.

*Previously: Ronald McDonald map of the solar system.

*Buy plush monsters at eBay.

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