Sunday, December 14, 2008

Beastie Boys poster by Eric Tan (link roundup)

Poster by Eric Tan for the Beastie Boys show that will open January 8 at Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles.

And a few more links:

1. Russian man who worked for nuclear company in Iran was found dead (and frozen) in a mountainous area. Russian and Iranian press say he died in an accidental rockfall. But no one wants to reveal his name. Via.

2. Fox settled Judith Regan's defamation lawsuit for $10.75 million. Via.

3. Did the American Idol producers knowingly put the woman who had been stalking Paula Abdul for 17 years on the show?

4. Michael Vick spent $201,840 on the day he went to prison. About half of that was for a Mercedes.

*Previously: Tan's X-Men poster.

*Buy Beastie Boys posters at eBay.

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