Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christophe Szpajdel has drawn more than 7,000 logos

Christophe Szpajdel has drawn more than 7,000 logos, mostly for black- and death-metal bands. His day job is as a forestry engineer and his view of mankind is so stereotypical for a naturalist it made me laugh:
There are bands that make extreme music but lyrically deal with the purity of nature. They offer the perfect fusion between my fascination with nature—especially mountains—and metal. But a lot of extreme metal bands deal with the destruction of mankind, which I think is needed. Maybe not a complete destruction, but at least a drastic cull. Our streets need to be cleared of all the scumbags walking on them.
You can read an interview with him and see a slideshow of his logos here. Via.

*Previously: Butterfly logo t-shirt.

*Buy Rainbow Six at Amazon.

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