Sunday, December 7, 2008

Free Gmail stickers

Here's a weird stocking stuffer - - Gmail stickers. Find out how to get some free here. Via.

Here's a few more random links:

1. John Powers uses lots of and lots of fancy words to say the spaceships in Star Wars are sweet. (Use the plus sign to advance.)

2. If You Give A Moose A Muffin, updated for today's issues = If you give the federal government $700 billion.

3. How long until robots are fighting are wars AND creating stories about what they've done?

4. On same day University of Tennessee introduces new football coach, who will make $2 million a year, UT also announces it hopes to cut its annual energy bill by $2 million by taking steps such as making the thermostat levels a little more unpleasant.

*Previously: Parodies of Goodnight Moon.

*Buy Terminator toys at eBay.

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